
Help Me With My Dating Profile Pics Part 1

Help Me With My Dating Profile Pics Part 1

6/14/2023 12:00:00 AM

Dating profiles with pictures get over 10 times the response of those that don’t have them. If you don’t have one we are afraid but you are going to have to bite the bullet. Fear not, with our handy tips we can help you create a profile pic that will get you results.

1. Pay Attention To The Background

Toilets, urinals, piles of laundry, stained paintwork, playroom toy explosions, or wheelie bins are all terrible backdrops for photos. A nice view while on a walk, a park, a landmark, or something interesting behind you is best.

2. Dress Well

An old dressing gown might be comfy, but it is not a good look when you want to pull. The more effort you put in, the more likely attractive members are to reply to you. Wear the kind of thing you would wear on a night out, interview, or first date.

3. Only You In The Picture

Make sure it is just you in the picture, no kids, or friends. Your first impression should be all about you. Having a friend in the photo reduces the number of messages you will receive.

4. Less Flesh Is More

Unless you are using a holiday photo on the beach, or by the pool you really should keep your shirt on. Bare chested men don`t get many messages from women, as it is considered vain (unless you are under 30 ripped and have a full on 6 pack). For women an off the shoulder dress seems to be the sweet spot between sexy without being too provocative.

5. Frame The Shot

If you are looking down into your camera, you will look like you are all chin and nostrils. Looking slightly up into the camera makes your eyes look bigger. For women standing slightly side on looking over one shoulder is especially flattering. The worst performing photos we see are those taken really close to the camera. Most camera lenses are slightly fish eyed, so photos are distorted when the entire frame is all face.

Follow these steps and you should see improvement with the amount of buzz you generate on the site. Look out for more tips coming soon.